PrevMed and Panel Management Matters!
I did a test and found that the diabetic foot/monofilament exams you are doing on your patients and appropriately documenting with the foot exam form in Genesis, do not get communicated to Carepoint unless you enter the accompanying procedure code order (2028F).
So when doing DM foot exams moving forward, you should follow these steps to appropriately document:
Complete the Diabetic Foot Exam form
The easiest way to find it is under "Vital Signs" section when in "Primary Care View".
Select the arrow next to the + sign, then click on "Diabetes Foot Exam" and then complete the form with the results of your exam.
THEN go to the orders tab and enter 2028F. This will pull up the correct procedure order.
If you forget this code, you can simply search foot exam and the correct exam with 2028F will pull-up.
Keep up the great work with panel management and DM care! :)