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IM Ward patient bounce back/re-admission policy

Regarding re-admission/ICU stepdown bounce backs:

  • Bounce backs follow the Attending and/or the Resident, not the Interns.

  • Regardless of the call your team is on, if the patient is called out BEFORE 1200 AND your team is NOT capped, the patient will go to the team they are bouncing back to, even if that team is on Short Call.

  • This helps to eliminate transitions of care and team turnover for the patient, and overall improves patient care.

  • This also helps to eliminate duplication of work with 1 team having to learn the patient from scratch only to turn the patient over to another team the very next day.

This is in the spirit of the collegial and teamwork focused environment we want to foster. 1200 is the “letter of the law” cutoff, but I would encourage you even if after 1200 to consider accepting a bounce back if the workflow allows, especially on a weekday when the full team is present.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know.

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